Hardest journey takes one step at a time

Why This Journey?

Okay, I need to get a little personal to truly explain why I am starting this journey to become a healthy, happy person.  I can say this journey started in October 2017.  However, when I really think about it, that would be inaccurate.  I am really starting this journey now, in December of 2018.  I don’t know exactly what this journey will be or where it will take me.  But I will be here, documenting my experiences, thoughts, failures and successes.  I hope someone out there can learn from what I am embarking on and start your own journey to becoming a healthy, happy person.

So why did I start off saying I started my journey in October 2017?  Well, I guess that was the culmination of everything that lead to the need for me to strive to be healthy and happy.  October is when everything I had been experiencing in my life had hit the head and exploded, if you will.  October 2017 is when I had, what I call, my mental breakdown.  This is the time when it became very clear I needed a change… a drastic one.  I retreated into my little cocoon and tried to shut everything else out.  Except this time, my insides were so messed up that I couldn’t fake my way through on the outside.  Usually, I could retreat but still function in a way that I could keep others from knowing or deflect enough off me that others forgot and became distracted.  This was no longer the case in October 2017.  I tried my hardest to deflect attention off me and distract other people into talking about themselves.  But it was much harder than I was used to.  I still felt exposed.  And I felt like some of the people in my life weren’t really distracted even though they acted like it.  This was one of the hardest times in my life and I needed to act drastically.

So here we are over a year later and I am going to officially embark upon and document a journey that will leave me with a healthy body, mind and heart… I hope.  Wish me luck! I have a feeling I am going to need it.


  • Mather!!

    Steph! I’m so proud of you for doing this, not only for yourself, but for your family. Unfortunately, most family’s base is the mom. If we’re not healthy, falling apart or whatever, nothing works quite right. So, I’m proud of your honesty & willingness to open up to all of your readers as you try to figure out what will make you happy & healthy.

    I’m here if you need anything. I know you weren’t feeling “well” at Pilar’s memorial service, and that was almost exactly a year ago. All you can do is try. If this forum helps you, then keep blogging!

    Take care, my friend – things will start looking up!!

    Much love,


    • Stephanie

      Thank you, Becki, for your support. It takes awhile to feel like you can share about mental illness. I hope I can help someone else to feel like they can share with family and friends without waiting the year or more. I know you always have my back and I cannot tell you how much I appreciate it!!

      Much love to you my friend,

  • Norine favorite cousin

    Stephanie your journey will help me and others. I’m sure it’s not easy sharing your personal experiences. God Bless your path. love always your fav cuz

    • Stephanie

      Thank you so much for your support, Norine! I am looking forward to us working together to become healthier and happier. I hope you are willing to share some of your experiences. We can do this!!!

      Love you,

  • Jellybean

    Stephanie-wishing you all the best on your journey. Recognizing the need for change is the first step so you’ve made a huge leap in your journey already! No matter the progress whether it be quick or slow, 2 steps back one step forward, etc. keep your heart and mind on your journey and goal. Persevere knowing that in the end you will be better for it, and a changed person from the inside out. That always has a ripple affect, and I hope your journey inspires others to take steps on their own personal journey. You will be in my daily prayers and I look forward to your future blogs and hearing on the progress you are making on this personal journey. With the new year upon us, we all have areas in our lives we can re-examine and reflect on, and set goals on what we want to change and how we’re going to make that happen in our lives. Wishing you and others reading this blog a blessed new year – a year of positive change, more joy than sorrow, more health than illness, more peace than distress, more prosperity than hardship, and more love than hate…

    • Stephanie

      Thank you so much for your support and well wishes!! It really means a lot to me. You are absolutely right. We will always encounter setbacks. It’s how we react to them. I am looking forward to feedback from you and others to help us all stay encouraged and to live the life we deserve. Happy new year to you and I wish nothing but good things for you in 2019.

      Much love,

  • Laura Galiotto

    Wow, it’s lovely and on key as many have had that breakdown but never said anything. I started to see a health Pschyologist approx 2011. My first visit I couldn’t stop crying one hour of intense crying of I can’t deal with this anymore. He quietly asked why do I want to stop crying. I thought boy I got the wrong doctor, I reply, ” because I’m strong I don’t cry it’s, a sign of weakness”. His response,” Your wrong it’s when the brain is so stressed it can’t take anymore that is why you can’t stop”. I was shocked. Regardless to say I had several visits and need an occasional visit, but he made me see life differently and to learn to ride your new normal to life stop fighting and make the best, you’ll never run a marathon and have been in a wheelchair and may be there again but sometimes we just don’t get to pick the course so learn to ride it guide it toward the direction you want as best as you can.
    I love your blog and will continue to read as it helps and often people have helpful hints on this Journey of Life ,(that may be in a Journey song or perhaps Prince). Thanks Momger

    • Stephanie

      Thank you so much for the support, Laura! And thank you for sharing your experience. Such great advice… to take what you have and ride with it. You are right. We can’t always choose what happens in life but we can always choose how we deal with it. I’d love to hear any suggestions or ideas you have for me, and others, on this journey.

      Much Love,

  • Lisa

    Stephie, I’m so proud of you and you know I will always, always have your back. No matter what. You are loved, accepted, and brave! Keep going!!!
    Love you, Sis xo

    • Stephanie

      Thank you so much for the support! I really appreciate all the love. I know I can always count on you to have my back. With everyone’s support, I know I can keep going.

      Much Love,

  • Ellen

    Hi Stephanie,

    I am a new blogger, too. I have just retired (not by choice) after a similar experience (I wrote about it in a comment on another post). You are braver than I am–I have not figured out how (or found the courage) to write about my mental health issues yet. Maybe we can support each other on our journeys.

    I intended to subscribe to your blog, but haven’t found a place to do so. Do you have a “subscribe” plugin? If not, I highly recommend you get one! I know I am not the only one who would like to get a notification and/or link when you publish a new post.

    • Stephanie

      Hi Ellen! Thank you for the compliment. It took a long time and then I just bit the bullet. Once it was published it was too late. Ha ha. I encourage you to write or talk about what you are going through, even if it’s just for you. I am already noticing a difference by just getting it out.

      Thank you so much for the suggestion. I will make that my next step. I also can’t wait to check out your blog. Good luck and I hope to connect with you again in the near future!

      In health and happiness,

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