Losing Myself…Again
Share this... Facebook0 Pinterest0 Twitter EmailAfter a month and a half of feeling like I was on the right path, I started losing myself again. I started falling into my black hole. I tried stopping it but I couldn’t. This time I decided to embrace it. I let myself feel my feelings and tried not to feel too guilty when I napped. I talked to my husband…well a little bit. I’m still working on it. As I tried to work through my slump, I had to let somethings go. My writing included. I started to slowly find myself again and I am back on my journey. Losing Myself in my…
Benefits of Affirmations
Share this... Facebook0 Pinterest0 Twitter EmailAre there benefits of daily affirmations? By now you know about my breakdown and the journey I am embarking on. It has felt good to tell my story and receive such wonderful support, but it’s time to take a more active role in getting healthy and becoming happy. First on the list of baby steps, daily affirmations. Let’s try it out! What are affirmations? I have heard of the benefits of affirmations but to be honest, I thought they were a little hokey. How can just saying something over and over help change your attitude? But I am willing to try anything to become the person I…
Effects of My Breakdown
Share this... Facebook0 Pinterest0 Twitter EmailIt’s been over a year since I had my breakdown and I am still feeling the effects of it. I have become very anxious. More so than I have ever been. It has been a rough road, but I am ready to learn to heal. Effects on my Sleep: Where have all the ZZZ’s gone? One of the first effects I noticed was my sleeping habits were all screwed up. I often have trouble falling and staying asleep at night. Five hours of sleep is a good night. It is exhausting. The exhaustion that comes with depression doesn’t help. The combination of the depression and the lack of sleep meant…
My Breakdown
Share this... Facebook0 Pinterest0 Twitter EmailIt’s hard to admit. I have even tried to hide from it since I was never officially diagnosed with having a nervous breakdown. But I can’t think of any other way to describe it. Looking back, I can see that there were years leading up to it. I had gone back into the classroom. Oh yeah, did I mention I was a teacher? I was in the classroom for 13 years. I loved it! I complained about the hours and how tired I was, but I loved it. I wanted to be a teacher for as long as I could remember. I took such joy…
Why This Journey?
Share this... Facebook0 Pinterest0 Twitter EmailOkay, I need to get a little personal to truly explain why I am starting this journey to become a healthy, happy person. I can say this journey started in October 2017. However, when I really think about it, that would be inaccurate. I am really starting this journey now, in December of 2018. I don’t know exactly what this journey will be or where it will take me. But I will be here, documenting my experiences, thoughts, failures and successes. I hope someone out there can learn from what I am embarking on and start your own journey to becoming a healthy, happy person.…